Will AI-Generated Content Overtake User-Generated Content?


The emergence of ChatGPT, Canva, and additional AI content tools has generated excitement, worry, and optimism regarding how it can change the future of marketing. However, those who believe AI may be an instant marketing solution may want to pump the brakes because these tools aren’t perfect—they’re far from it. Adam Dornbusch, Founder & CEO, EnTribe, discusses how for companies looking to reach their audience best and gain the trust of their consumers, user-generated content is their best bet. 

With the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) platforms, such as ChatGPT, currently disrupting the marketing industry by making it easier and faster than ever for businesses to create content, it is, unfortunately, making standing out in an increasingly crowded market more difficult. While the ease of use of AI-generated content (AGC) is attractive for marketing teams, the ability for authenticity and online engagement with consumers decreases exponentially as consumers still crave real, personal interactions online. 

As AI continues to evolve, it will become more and more important for companies to leverage content created by their followers, commonly known as User-Generated Content (UGC), as part of their marketing strategy if they want to remain competitive and differentiate themselves from the competition. Unlike AI-Generated Content (AGC), UGC provides a real, authentic voice that resonates with customers and helps brands stay ahead of the competition in this new AI-driven landscape. This will be essential for companies looking to succeed in the future of marketing, where AI will be omnipresent.

Understanding the Differences Between AI-Generated Content and User-Generated Content in Marketing

While both have advantages and disadvantages, their most distinctive is that machines create AGC, while humans create UGC. Marketers need to know the differences between them if they want to reach the right consumers with their marketing campaigns. AI’s most alluring benefits include its cost-effectiveness and time savings. On the other hand, UGC has a more powerful influence on consumers since it is created by someone they can relate to and trust. This is because AI relies on data and algorithms, and its intended tone could be lost; therefore, its content is prone to lack authenticity and could exclude inclusiveness. 

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Which Generator Is the Most Cost-Effective and Time-Saving?

Companies will save a lot of money by adopting content made by AI instead of humans. This is because AI can make content faster without human help, saving time and resources. Still, the amount of money a company can save by using AGC depends on a number of things, such as the type of content being generated, the quality of the AI algorithm that produces the content, the complexity of the content, and the cost of making the content manually. Furthermore, it’s a cost-effective alternative for businesses requiring large volumes of content with limited time. Companies will need to weigh the cost of implementing an AI-based content generation system against the possibility of losing future revenue and credibility among their consumers due to the potential savings it can provide. 

It’s important to remember that cost savings aren’t the only factor to consider when deciding whether to incorporate AI-generated content into your marketing strategy. The content’s quality and accuracy are also key considerations, as improperly generated content can harm a company’s brand and ultimately lead to monetary losses. Poorly-constructed AI content can contain inaccuracies or be difficult to understand, so it’s important to carefully check the generated content before publishing. 

Which Generator Is Best at Engaging an Audience?

Companies’ use of UGC in their marketing plans has grown in the past few years, as UGC is a very effective way to engage audiences and build a brand’s reputation. By tapping into their followers’ and customers’ creativity and enthusiasm, marketers can create interesting and real content that resonates with their audience, helps their business grow, and gives their fans a reason to stick around. People trust UGC more than traditional advertising or AI. This lets companies cut through the noise, build a community, increase customer loyalty, and get an edge over their competitors. 

Because people develop UGC, some marketers might believe they do not have complete control over the generated content. This is far from the truth. When asking followers and creators to create UGC, brands need to make sure to guide their followers with broad guidelines and allow room for creativity. Marketers will always have the final say on which content will be shared to ensure it follows the brand’s style and marketing campaigns. Brands that successfully use UGC know that engagement with their followers increases and fosters long-lasting relationships when supporting and recognizing active creators. These relationships are invaluable because they help to ensure that content is shared organically while adhering to the brand’s guidelines. 

Which Generator Is the Most Authentic?

Humans crave authenticity when it comes to content creation, and studies show 85%Opens a new window of consumers would rather see brands share content from real customers. Regarding which content generator is more authentic, it depends on the context. UGC might be the best choice for creative and interesting content, while AI writing assistants might be the best choice for quickly creating a lot of content. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, but the question of which one is more authentic has an undisputed winner. With UGC, the authenticity of the content comes from real people creating it, not a computer.  

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Consider These Factors Before Choosing Which Generator To Use

Several factors should be considered when deciding which type of content generator to use. People are beginning to use AGC to make propaganda videos to spread disinformation, so brands must be selective on how and where their content is coming from. Other considerations include understanding the ever-evolving marketing landscape, such as knowing where customers are consuming the most content and what trends are most popular. Companies must also be mindful of the budget when selecting a content generator. 

Brands also need to be aware of the legal issues that come up with both before deciding which type to use. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has already laid out guidelines on the proper use of AI in advertisingOpens a new window . As for content generated by consumers, there are specific clearance processes and regulations in place businesses need to follow when it comes to using other people’s work without permission, transparency of the use of AI, protecting data privacy, and addressing security concerns. To reduce legal risks, marketers should consider using UGC management platforms to collect, upload, manage, and curate content before publishing. By considering these factors, marketers can ensure that they choose the best type of content generator for their needs.

While AGC appeals to marketing teams, UGC delivers a genuine, authentic voice that resonates with customers and helps brands remain competitive. AI-generated content can save businesses money, but quality and accuracy are important factors to consider before incorporating them into their marketing strategy. To choose the correct content generator, brands must evaluate authenticity, budget, legal challenges, and UGC management tools. Consumers love seeing content from genuine customers; therefore, UGC is the most authentic content generator.

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