3 Gratitude Tips for Businesses to Close the Year


As we approach the new year, many of us are thinking about the last twelve months and setting goals for the year ahead. This reflection is centered around personal goals we hit, milestone achievements, or hard lessons we have learned. Upon reflection, how often do we ask ourselves, did I show enough gratitude and appreciation to those around me? We often get wrapped up in what we want to accomplish and don’t stop to think about the people around us that provided support, helped cultivate and grow a business, or were simply positive energy in our lives.

The end of the year is a great time to set gratitude goals and take some extra time to show gratitude. In fact, studies showOpens a new window that sharing gratitude isn’t just positive for the recipient, but it will also likely make you feel happier at the same time. In our business lives, this can be a key part of our emotional intelligence and how well we connect with everyone from clients to colleagues. With this in mind and the season of giving upon us, we’re taking a look at what business leaders need to know about spreading gratitude.

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Gratitude Is the Gateway To Building Relationships

 Showing appreciation is equal to acknowledging the good things in life. This creates a positive impact on you and whoever you are giving to. People like to do business with people they like, and everyone likes to feel appreciated for their efforts. While one should remain professional, don’t be scared to carry a warmer tone and connect with people on a more personal level. As the year comes to a close, I encourage you and your team to share gratitude and warmth to those that have impacted your business this year.

Gratitude as a Sales and Marketing Catalyst

 When it comes to sales and marketing, it can sometimes feel like these two teams are at odds. But why? The sales team has the inside scoop on key customers, and the marketing team is the main point of contact for existing and potential customers. When it comes to showing gratitude, these two teams can be highly efficient working together. The marketing team can find creative, efficient, and simple ways to show appreciation, and the sales team can make sure the gesture is personalized and impactful to specific customers.

 Gratitude Makes a Lasting Impression, Especially When It’s Personalized

 With personalization, a gesture of appreciation shows a person that you care about them, their work, and their life. Personalization is not slapping your logo on a coffee mug or sweatshirt! Make it about the recipient to show you listen and care. If you show that level of thoughtfulness in your personal interactions, they’ll know you will show it when you win their business.

When attending a networking event, or having a conversation with a client, take mental notes. People want to relate to others. Do they like the same sports teams as you? Do they have a favorite cafe near their office? Remember these things about people so you can make an impactful impression later. Gratitude should be the backbone of your business moving into the new year as a key way to build relationships and bring your internal teams closer together.

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Practicing a habit of gratitude is a great way to impact both your personal and professional relationships. In the personal realm, you can keep a gratitude journal, write a thank you note, reflect on someone you are grateful for or share your gratitude through a gesture of appreciation. But what about sharing gratitude on a business level? There are countless ways that business leaders can spread appreciation and reap the positive effects of doing so any time of year. But it’s particularly relevant right now during the holiday season. A few easy ways to show gratitude to clients this time of year include:

  • Write a handwritten note. It may seem old-fashioned, but showing appreciation through a handwritten note never gets old.
  • Make a donation on their behalf. It’s the season of giving, and showing your support by donating on their behalf to a cause they value will also emphasize how you value your relationship.
  • Practice recognition. Be vocal about the fact that you appreciate your partnership and their business. Sometimes simply stating your positive thoughts about someone or something is the best way to be transparent and show gratitude. In fact, 68% of clientsOpens a new window break off a partnership because they don’t believe that the business is grateful for their relationship.
  • Surprise and delight. Everyone loves receiving an unexpected expression of appreciation. Your clients are surely no different. From a cup of coffee to credit for lunch at their favorite restaurant to a product speaking to an inside joke, a personalized gesture of gratitude sent to your client will certainly reinforce how you value them.
  • Start and end meetings with gratitude. As we wrap the year, take the time to start each meeting with gratitude, address business and end with motivation. Kicking off meetings with a simple thank you or illustrating something you appreciate sets the tone for your discussion while ending with motivation shows goodwill and positive energy towards what’s next.

This year I challenge you to rethink the generic holiday gift baskets and company-branded swag that too often get tossed aside. Consider spreading gratitude in a way that’s personalized to your recipients — their likes, tastes, style — and the results are sure to put you on a path towards exceeding your gratitude and business goals in the year ahead.

How are you showing gratitude to your customers this year? Comment below or let us know on LinkedInOpens a new window , TwitterOpens a new window , or FacebookOpens a new window . We’d love to hear from you!