3 Steps Hiring Managers Should Take To Prevent Candidates From Ghosting


Candidate ghosting has become increasingly common. According to Joshua Secrest, VP of marketing and client advisory, ParadoxBy, hiring managers can prevent ghosting and drop-off at all stages of the process by taking three steps explained in this article to make hiring simpler and faster. 

Ghosting isn’t limited to dating anymore. According to Visier’s study, 84% of job seekersOpens a new window admit to ghosting an employer or potential employer in the last 18 months. If that’s not shocking enough, nearly three-quarters of businessesOpens a new window confess to ghosting a candidate. 

“Ghosting” is when someone suddenly ends a personal relationship by withdrawing from all communication without explanation. In the current competitive hiring climate, candidates hold the cards, likely contributing to more people cutting off contact with employers. 

Candidates can ghost employers at any point, even after being hired. In fact, Indeed reports one in five new employees does not show up for the first day of work. Recruiting costs employers time and money, and these no-shows force managers to repeat the hiring process. So, how do companies keep their potential employees engaged from application through onboarding and beyond?

While employee ghosting is increasingly common, according to Robert Half and Indeed surveys, all is not lost. Hiring managers should consider these three strategies for preventing candidate disengagement and ghosting. 

Make the Application Process Simple

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are 11 million open jobs and only six million people looking for work, leading to intense competition for available workers. But many of these job seekers don’t tolerate overwhelming job applications. Greenhouse reportsOpens a new window that 70% of online job seekers will quit an application process if it takes too long. To get candidates in the door, employers should make job applications as easy as possible by eliminating the traditional application process.

Applying for a job doesn’t need to require multiple logins and forms. Candidates are already on their phones, so employers can meet them there by making applying as simple as sending a text. Many companies are already taking advantage of easy digital applications. Appcast found that 61% of all applications were mobile in 2020, and that percentage will continue to grow. 

From an employer standpoint, conversational AI can manage incoming text applications without requiring hiring managers’ time. In the meantime, candidates get an immediate AI-driven response, which is crucial to keeping them engaged. To complete the screening process, the applicant answers a few questions, and if they are qualified, they’re on to the interview phase. The entire process takes just minutes and dramatically decreases the opportunity for candidate drop-off. GoWireless saw a 92% candidate conversion rate with this method.  

Respond and Schedule Quickly

The next step — employers must quickly schedule an interview with the candidate. The moment a candidate submits an application is when the potential employee is most engaged. To stay competitive, employers must strike while the iron is hot, no matter what time of day it is. More than a third of candidates apply after hours. Conversational AI can schedule an interview within minutes of screening approval 24/7, which is not a realistic expectation for a hiring manager. 

The automated process removes the scheduling communication merry-go-round of phone tag, unopened emails, calendar juggling, and, most importantly, waiting. When job-seeking, more than half of candidates are most frustrated by a lack of response, according to a CareerBuilder survey. Shortening the wait time reduces drop-off because applicants have no reason and no opportunity to ghost. If the candidate needs to reschedule, conversational AI is always available with an immediate response. Companies employing conversational AI are experiencing success. GoWireless had 91% of its qualified prospects schedule an interview through conversational AI. 

Another advantage of quick interview scheduling — it reduces competition. Other businesses don’t have a chance to interview and hire the candidate first. With so many available jobs, companies must protect their candidate pool. 

See More: Getting Ghosted by Job Applicants? Here’s What You Can Do

Keep the Communication Going With Reminders and Quick Responses

Conversational AI sends reminders throughout the hiring process, making sure candidates are aware of interview times, application status, onboarding tasks and start date. Companies using these automated prompts report experiencing a significant reduction in ghosting. 

About 58% of job seekers expect to hear back from interviewers within a week, or they lose interest, according to Greenhouse’s study mentioned above. It’s in a hiring manager’s best interest to follow up with candidates as soon as possible, even if things hold up the hiring process. To avoid candidate drop-off, employers should keep in touch with candidates to keep them abreast of the situation. 

Once a candidate accepts the job offer, the hiring manager’s job is done, right? Not so fast. Many new employees don’t make it to their first day. But that’s also preventable. 

After hiring managers extend a job offer, communication can fall off as they move on to interview the next round of applicants. Important details, like onboarding materials, directions, or even start dates, can fall through the cracks. For new hires, the lack of information generates more ghosting as they feel confused or forgotten. Once again, modern technology can provide a solution to communication lapses. 

Conversational AI shepherds the onboarding process. It can send tax documents and first-day reminders, and if the new employee has a question about where to go or what to wear, the technology can answer that, too. Keeping the lines of communication open between the offer and the start date makes new hires feel more connected to the company and less likely to split without explanation. And if they do change their mind about the job, conversational AI provides them a way to alert the employer. 

The entire process can be accomplished by text. Because texting is the preferred communication method of Millennials and Gen Zers, they find the hiring experience much more pleasant when they can simply type a response from their phone and don’t have to answer phone calls or keep track of emails.  

Some candidates will always drop out of the hiring process, regardless of what steps a company takes. But the more qualified candidates who get through each hiring stage, the higher the chance the employer will be able to hire a valuable, long-term contributor. 

Providing a superior candidate experience is an employer’s most powerful tool to fight ghosting. And employers can offer this experience by requiring less effort and reducing waiting times for potential employees. While keeping candidates engaged takes time and effort, AI can help bridge gaps in the manual process without additional strain on hiring managers. 

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