4 Tips for Effective Marketing in the Next Normal


The retail landscape has recently been turned upside down by shifts in consumer habits and business models caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. “How can retailers and marketers effectively reach their customers as we move into the new normal?”, answers, Maria Melo, senior business advisor, Yahoo Small Business.

This is an unprecedented time in the marketing and retail industry, as shifts in the consumer landscape caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have transformed the way we buy, sell, and deliver goods and services. As both a business advisor and a brick and mortar retail shop co-owner, I know just how important it is to share materials, promotions, and communications that resonate with customers. With July recently recognized as Independent Retailer Month – a time to celebrate the contributions small businesses make to their communities and the retail industry at large – now is the perfect time to explore how marketers and retailers can reach customers effectively while also providing the best customer experience possible during this challenging time.

Learn More: Increased Mobile Shopping Is Here To Stay – How Should Retailers Adapt?

Avoid Assuming: Make Data-Backed Decisions

Based on my first-hand experience as an entrepreneur, I’ve come to understand the importance of making data-backed decisions versus planning around my own assumptions. As a business owner, you must look at website and social metrics to identify the who, what, when, and where of your customer base, rather than guessing based on the audience you think your product or service is targeted toward. Who is your #1 customer, and when, where, and how are they most engaged? Leverage these insights to tailor your content, sales, promotions, and customer communication in ways that will help you engage most effectively with your audience.

An important part of getting to know your target audience is reviewing and evaluating customer feedback. If your business has slowed, take this time to prepare for future success. Browse your website through the lens of a customer and make any updates to the user experience that seem subpar. Is the checkout process unintuitive or difficult to navigate? With website analytics tools, you will be able to see at what stage of the purchasing journey customers abandoned their shopping cart. Use data and insights to improve your website.

Prioritize Your Online Presence

At a time when sales have shifted almost entirely online – whether that’s a business decision or a customer preference – it’s more important now than ever to provide a user experience that enables customers to research your product, find the information they are looking for and complete a purchase if you’re operating an e-commerce-enabled website. Working with a partner company to ensure your website is up-to-date with new content, aesthetically pleasing, and has a seamless checkout process will go a long way in transforming site visitors to paying customers.

A robust online presence is key for more than just e-commerce capabilities. Consumers rely on website details as an accurate representation of your store hours, available products, protocol for re-entering the store if you’ve reopened, and more. With local listings available in many places around the web, it’s difficult to track each of them and ensure listings are up-to-date universally. Take control of your local listings by leveraging various toolOpens a new window s which are available in the market.

Adhere to the Current Business and Consumer Landscape

It’s never been more important to “read the room” – listen to what your customers are saying, identify and understand new consumer trends and habits, and tailor your strategies accordingly. You must get creative with how you’re reaching your customers during this unprecedented time. Consider channels like blogs, podcasts, or even video chats. Build out your social media presence to update your customers on an ongoing basis. If you think you can pivot your business or have an idea to meet emerging needs stemming from the pandemic, consider launching a new business. Two great examples of this are uniform store Averill’s Sharper UniformsOpens a new window , which pivoted to produce COVID-19 protective products, and cleaning company Kenmore KleaningOpens a new window , which reopened (after closing over 10 years ago) to address the increased focus on disinfecting and cleaning. Start or pivot your business the right way by using a business planning tool.

Another way to reach your customer base is by leveraging email marketing and social promotions strategically. Meet your customers where they are. At a time when finances are tight for many, avoid promotions with time restraints, e.g. “Act now, this sale ends at midnight.” The key to email marketing is to segment your list and send the right message, to the right person, at the right time. Failure to do so may even result in a loss of customers or ill will toward your brand.

Learn More: Performance Marketing vs Evergreen Marketing – Which One Works Best?

Be a Brand You’d Want to Engage With

This difficult season provides the perfect opportunity to connect with customers. Use this time to let customers know just how much you appreciate them and that your thoughts are with them. A personal gesture like a call, card or email will go a long way toward building strong relationships, especially during this time of uncertainty. When building out this strategy, think about how you like to be reached as a consumer – what do you look for when choosing to engage with a brand and how do you prefer to be reached? Use those insights to help inform your customer engagement strategies, communication, sales and promotions.

Above all, remember: this is an unprecedented time for all of us. Do your best to support and reach your customers during this difficult time, and you will build brand loyalists for life.