4 Ways HR Teams Can Use Predictive Analytics to Drive Business Outcomes in 2019


Predictive analytics has emerged as a useful tool for HR teams, making them key players in determining the direction of an organization’s growth. Once perceived as an isolated function, HR is now a meaningful contributor to an organization’s business outcomes. We discuss which areas of HR predictive analytics can drive business outcomes.

From hiring the right candidate to ensuring high engagement and a positive employee experience until exit, HR is critical to shaping a business’ brand and contributing to its growth. By using predictive analytics, HR can meaningfully offer inputs that will streamline the way employees are assessed before recruitment and during their tenure in the organization. All these efforts translate into actionable points that contribute to the organization’s bottom line.  

What Is Predictive Analytics in HR?

Predictive analytics uses historical data coupled with current trends to predict future events. In the context of HR, predictive analytics enables HR teams to make predictions about areas of the entire HR function – from the cultural fit of an employee, their likelihood to remain engaged on the job, their ability to upskill and stay relevant to the industry they are working in, and their likelihood to spend a certain duration in the job, to name a few. Predictive analytics helps quantify qualitative data by assigning a score to the different areas that need to be measured, demonstrating the likelihood of an event occurring.

Also Read: Top Trends Driving the Demand for HR AnalyticsOpens a new window

How Can HR Impact a Company’s Bottom Line with Predictive Analytics?

In an interview with HR Technologist, Arjun Pratap, CEO of EdGE Networks, mentionedOpens a new window the edge that using predictive analytics can give the HR function of an organization:

Using analytics in HR, parsing through the available data has become much easier and time-saving. This not only allows HR leaders to take decisions pertaining to the immediate issues at hand but foresee future concerns to be addressed. This serves as an extra edge that manual decision-making processes could never achieve.

This is further proof of what an organization can achieve by investing in this tool to guide its HR functions. And if what Arjun said doesn’t seem convincing enough, here are some questions that using predictive analytics can easily help HR answer. Actions taken based on the predictive outcomes of these questions will meaningfully contribute to an organization’s bottom line.

1. Which candidate would be the best cultural fit for the organization?

For recruitment, HR can use predictive analytics to predict the profile of an employee who would be the best fit for the organization. Additionally, a combination of data on engagement, growth, success, and attrition rates can help recruiters predict the performance of an employee in the future. This translates into improved business outcomes by allowing recruiters to find specific candidates faster for a role, saving them the trouble of going through hundreds of resumes to fill one role.

Aditya Narayan Mishra, CEO, CIEL HR Services, shares how predictive analytics is transforming recruitmentOpens a new window : “Organizations have a huge amount of data about their employees: their personal details, education, family background and so on. They also have data about employees’ performance and behaviors. Hence, they can correlate all these three dimensions to determine the typical profile of an employee who is likely to be successful with them. That’s the power of predictive analytics!”

Also Read: 5 Steps to Get Started with HR AnalyticsOpens a new window

2. There is a skills gap: Should we upskill or should we hire? 

With the kind of data, a predictive analytics algorithm has access to, it can easily predict what kind of skills the organization lacks. Further, based on employee experience, skill sets, and education, predictive analytics engines can identify which employees are most suited to upskill in that area successfully. This means organizations can look inwards when trying to fill talent gaps instead of choosing to recruit new talent as their first option. This leads to lower recruitment costs and optimal utilization of the workforce and is one of the most effective ways in which predictive analytics transforms HROpens a new window will drive improved positive business outcomes.

3. Which employees are at risk of leaving the organization?

Employee attritionOpens a new window is one of the biggest challenges organizations face currently. The cost of the loss of an employee and replacing them with another one can turn the focus away from the organization’s bottom line. Instead, predictive analytics can be used to prevent this in the first place by identifying at-risk employees. By analyzing factors such as pay, promotions, company environment, and relationships with managers, predictive analytics can reveal who may be the most likely to leave the organization, serving as a game changerOpens a new window in the personalization of the engagement process for those employees and their retention.

4. Are employees productively contributing to business outcomes?

Is employee performance translating into productive business outcomes? What are employees doing that is resulting in improved business performance? How can this model be replicated for future growth? Predictive analytics can easily assess relevant metricsOpens a new window and serve up insights to HR teams. The same tool can also be used to identify areas of improvement and indications of employees who are most likely to show this improvement.

Also Read: How HR Analytics Can Help Improve Employee PerformanceOpens a new window


Predictive analytics solutions come with customizable interfaces that are intuitive and easy to use. Each business has unique requirements, and choosing a tool that is specific to meet that business requirement is critical for a positive outcome. With predictive analytics, HR teams are likely to spend less time assuming what the general mood in the organization is and can instead rely on real data to take action that will drive productive business outcomes.

How are you using predictive analytics to drive business outcomes? Let us know on FacebookOpens a new window , LinkedInOpens a new window , and TwitterOpens a new window . We’re always listening!