5 Digital Customer Engagement Trends Brands Should Know This Year


More brands realize the importance of digital customer engagement, especially during a potential recession and marketing budget cuts. That said, what is the current state of customer engagement, and what trends should brands expect in this regard? Twilio’s study presents some insights.

The past year necessitated a fresh approach to business. With a potential economic crisis and marketing budget cuts, brands know that they must do more with less. They need to continue to acquire new customers while improving customer loyalty, all this with fewer resources. Most brands have also realized that engaging prospects and clients is critical to achieving these goals, as many have seen the results despite the current economic upheaval.

That said, what is the current state of customer engagement? And what are a few trends we can expect related to customer engagement this year? Twilio conducted a study to gain insights, and here are a few of them.

Brands Plan To Increase Investments in Customer Engagement

The study found that the most successful companies are using digital customer engagement this year to drive business growth and improve resilience in a continuously changing landscape. About 60% of brands said investing in customer engagement enhanced their ability to meet constantly changing customer needs.

Three primary influences are driving investments in digital engagement:

  • Direct-to-consumer (DTC) relationship revival
  • The need to protect consumer privacy
  • Continued digital transformation of businesses

These trends span countries, industries, and businesses, demanding rapid response. Companies ignoring them will lose relevance and market share. Those engaging in digital customer engagement are seeing results. The study showed that these investments increased revenue by 90% on average, up from 70% last year. Naturally, 97% of brands expect to almost double their investments in customer engagement over the next three years.

The study also found that leaders in customer engagement (having the highest level of maturity in first-party data, personalization, and digital engagement) are witnessing the biggest results from their investments. In comparison, customer engagement beginners saw a smaller increase in revenue from their investments.

See more: Customers and Data: Are We Connected? Are We Secure?

Consumers Expect Personalization While Ensuring Security

Customers, too, want brands to invest in personalization. Consumers said they spend an average of 21% more when brands personalize their experiences. Further, 66% said they would stop using a brand if their experience weren’t personalized. That said, how brands approach personalization makes the difference between success and failure. Those that use first-party data in real-time and put customers first will win.

At the same time, consumers are increasingly worried about security and privacy. About 98% want businesses to do more to ensure their data’s privacy. Brands are aware of the challenges this presents. About 42% of B2C leaders said finding a balance between customer experience (CX) and security is the biggest challenge this year. Hence, 89% of brands plan to implement zero-party/first-party data strategies to protect consumer privacy further.

Businesses Should Expect the Following Trends This Year

Businesses can expect the following few trends regarding customer engagement this year.

Trend 1: Consumers’ patience with impersonal experiences is low

Consumers are demanding personalized experiences from brands more than ever. Using consumers’ preferred communication channels is more critical for Millennials and Gen Xers. Communicating with the right frequency is also vital for Millennials consumers. These demands can be met only by collecting, unifying, and activating customer data. Brands need a cohesive engagement strategy consistent across channels and powered by real-time data to meet consumer expectations.

Currently, consumers struggle with too much information and too many choices. The study found that 51% of consumers were frustrated with their interactions with brands over the past year. Brands should use the insights they have to help consumers make informed decisions.

While 64% of brands know their consumers are frustrated, they may not be doing enough. A persistent gap exists between how well brands think they provide personalization and what consumers think. While 46% of brands thought they were doing an excellent job, only 15% of consumers thought so.

Trend 2: Real-time personalization improves customer lifetime value

When personalization is leveraged well and in real-time, it delivers a better CX, changes customer behavior, and builds loyalty, increasing customer lifetime value (LTV). However, a gap exists between what brands and consumers perceive as good personalization. While 91% of brands report they always or often personalize customer engagement, only 56% of consumers think so.

Personalization comes down to data quality. It also matters how well and quickly brands leverage it to improve CX. This means going beyond simple personalization, such as adding a name in an email, and truly focusing on individualizing CX. To build relationships, brands should understand each customer and engage with them in a way that resonates.

Good experiences matter, as 38% of respondents from Twilio’s State of Personalization Report 2022Opens a new window said they would shop again with a brand they had a good experience with. Similarly, 57% of the present study’s respondents said they would spend more on a brand that personalizes experiences. 

Trend 3: Consumers want a faster transition to a cookieless future

Consumers are ready for a cookieless future where first- and zero-party data power personalized experiences; however, brands aren’t. About 81% of brands still rely on third-party data, while 60% are ready for a world without third-party data. Meanwhile, consumers dislike cookies and are ready for more control over how their data is used.

With increasing awareness and demand for consumer privacy, brands should rethink their digital engagement strategies, building direct customer relationships in the process.

The shift from third-party data to first- and zero-party data allows brands to provide safe, secure, and highly personalized CX. Activating zero- and first-party data should be at the core of a successful customer engagement strategy this year.

That said, brands cite challenges, like ensuring data privacy and customer resistance to sharing information, as the main barriers to implementing zero- and first-party data.

Main barriers to implementing zero- and first-party data

Source: The State of Customer Engagement Report 2023Opens a new window

Trend 4: Consumers trust companies less than the latter realize

The brand/consumer trust gap remains; however, businesses are making progress in bridging this gap. How companies manage risk in today’s environment can distinguish them and help build trust with customers. Using first- and zero-party data to verify, authorize, and personalize consumer interactions helps build digital bridges between brands and their consumers. About 83% of customers said they trust companies more when their account identity is authenticated and verified.

Building consumer trust goes hand-in-hand with ensuring their privacy. As more people consider data privacy a fundamental human right, governments are enacting regulations protecting consumers and their data. How brands comply with them and how customers perceive this change will likely influence the digital space over the next few years.

How companies communicate the measures they take helps eliminate doubts around company-user information exchanges designed to keep accounts of data safe. Doing so improves trust and loyalty between consumers and brands.

See more: 4 Ways Marketers Can Use Push Notifications To Increase Customer Engagement

Trend 5: Balancing security and customer experience is vital

As digital acceleration continues, brands are trying to balance continuously-changing customer expectations and increasing digital vulnerability. However, balancing customer experience and security is the top challenge for businesses this year.

Top challenges for businesses this year

Source: The State of Customer Engagement Report 2023Opens a new window

Brands know that protecting customers is more important than ever. But building healthy revenue will remain at the top of their minds. Ultimately, brands should build a user experience that prioritizes both.

When the right technology is used effectively, brands can build no-compromise user experiences that balance security with ease of use.

Consumers Are in the Driver’s Seat

Despite the economic uncertainty, 83% of consumers expect to purchase the same amount or more of goods and services this year. Hence, brands should listen to their preferences to succeed. A few things are clear from the study:

  • Consumers want seamless experiences. Hence brands should invest in building rich customer profiles. This is where data and its quality become crucial.
  • Consumers don’t want brands to rely on third-party data anymore. Hence, brands should invest in zero- and first-party data.
  • Consumers want to be understood by brands. Brands offering true personalization and seamless experiences will win customer loyalty.
  • Consumers want to trust the brands they buy from to give them the right amount of control over their data and to protect it from bad actors.

By paying close attention to the trends witnessed, brands can provide customer experiences that boost growth and future-proof them in the long run.

What steps have you taken to improve customer engagement and build consumer trust this year? Let us know on FacebookOpens a new window , TwitterOpens a new window , and LinkedInOpens a new window .

Image source: Shutterstock


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