5 Tasks ChatGPT Does Best: And 5 It Can’t

  • ChatGPT is a neural language model capable of generating coherent responses to text prompts. 
  • It has many applications, including language translation, chatbots, and content generation.

ChatGPT has been in the news since its launch in November 2022. According to a February 2023 report by SimilarWeb, the chatbot signed 13 million users per day in January alone. Moreover, within two months of its launch, ChatGPT developed a user base of over 100 million users. The advanced conversational tool surpassed other popular social media apps like Instagram and TikTok to become the fastest-growing app to date.

Today, the success of ChatGPT has sparked a rush among companies like Google, Microsoft, and Meta and several startups to build similar AI products that keep them afloat in the emerging tech space. While ChatGPT allows users to ask questions, create content, and find and rectify a bug in code, it is worth noting that the real essence of the AI tool is not in the fact that it is innovative but in how natural it feels when users interact with it.

5 Tasks ChatGPT Does Best

Let’s look at five tasks ChatGPT can do best to boost your business productivity.

1. Automate tasks and workflows

ChatGPT is capable of handling your routines and workflows. It can manage redundant day-to-day activities that are time-consuming. For instance, it can schedule meetings, generate event reminders, manage your overflowing inbox, and respond to messages like emails, reviews, or social media comments.  

2. Coding assistant

ChatGPT acts as a coding assistant to programmers proficient in programming languages like C++, Python, JavaScript, and others. It can write and debug code. According to a coding assessment test conducted by England’s Centre for Finance, Technology and Entrepreneurship, ChatGPT outperformed about 85% of the four million programmers that took the test on Python conducted on the LinkedIn platform.

ChatGPT can also generate visualizations of linear regressions, create complex codes, and manage WordPress plugins from scratch.

3. Search Engine

ChatGPT acts as an advanced search engine capable of providing contextually relevant answers to user questions rather than sharing links, as observed in traditional search engines. As ChatGPT is a new technology, it has been trained on data until 2021. However, its recent integration with Microsoft’s Bing search engine in Feb 2023 has ensured that Bing has up-to-date data to deliver accurate results.

4. Create content

ChatGPT can generate ideas and create content for you. For instance, it can give ideas on creating content for a YouTube channel, provide prompts on ways to celebrate your friend’s birthday, offer business ideas on enhancing the productivity of your company, and so on.

It can also create social media content that resonates with the audience of platforms like Twitter. The bot can even recreate the existing content to increase its chances of going viral.

5. Generate movie scripts, stories, and song lyrics

ChatGPT can generate movie scripts in a screenplay style when you provide details on the preferred movie genre and the characters that would play a role in it. To add to this, ChatGPT can also write songs and poems on any topic with much ease.

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5 Tasks ChatGPT Cannot Do

While ChatGPT finds applications in several fields, certain services still require human intervention to accomplish the objective. Let’s discuss ChatGPT’s shortcomings.

1. Errors in content and code

In some use cases, ChatGPT gave inaccurate and biased responses and used repetitive phrases that adversely affected the overall quality of the content. For example, in December 2022, when a CNBC editor used ChatGPT to generate the lyrics of “The Ballad of Dwight Fry,” the tool wrote its own version of the lyrics instead of the original one.

According to the December 2022 blog by Level Up Coding, when a coder asked ChaptGPT to write ‘React components,’ it relied upon general props items rather than following standard industry practices. As a result, it generated a verbose code which impacted its readability and future usability. Thus, businesses cannot entirely rely on ChatGPT for their business processes.

2. Limited data access

ChatGPT has been trained using data until 2021. As a result, it does not have access to data and events that have unfolded after 2021. Today, if a business uses ChatGPT for its day-to-day operations, it may lose credibility due to the out-of-date information the AI tool has access to. Hence, ChatGPT cannot deliver accurate results all the time as it has access to limited data.

3. Verify legal and ethical issues

While ChatGPT generates a variety of content, it can raise copyright infringement issues and privacy issues where sensitive information could be used to identify or harm individuals. As ChatGPT is not self-aware of the fact that it can generate copyrighted content or content that violates privacy concerns, it cannot verify the legalities or ethical issues associated with the information it generates.

4. Lacks critical thinking ability

AI tools like ChatGPT lack the critical thinking ability to solve complex problems. When a user fires a multi-tier question, the chatbot cannot process the nuances of the question and, in turn, generates inaccurate responses. Moreover, ChatGPT also lacks the ability to learn and adapt on its own without human intervention.

The language model also cannot replace intuition and human creativity skills. While ChatGPT generates responses based on patterns in data, it cannot think outside the box, which is essential for innovation and problem-solving. Also, developers need to provide a proper context of the product they intend to design before ChatGPT writes the code for it.

5. Personalized advice

While ChatGPT provides general information and opinions on various topics, it cannot offer personalized advice on problems that differ based on an individual’s situations, preferences, and goals. ChatGPT does not have access to all the personal information that human advisors can provide, so it fails to provide the same level of insight and empathy.

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In summary, ChatGPT offers impressive capabilities when it comes to NLP and how humans interact with computers — it can open up new avenues and significantly boost your business productivity. However, it is equally important to remember that ChatGPT has its limitations. Recognizing these shortcomings can help deploy the language processing tool in the right areas.    

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