5 Trends to Expect in the Post-Pandemic Workplace


COVID-19 has dramatically altered the way we conduct work, changing how organizations and individuals approach health and safety, corporate social responsibility, and the very nature of work itself. As businesses plan to get employees back into the office, here are five ways the pandemic has forever altered the world of work, writes Wesley Connor, global head of learning & development of Randstad Enterprise Group.

In the aftermath of the immediate disruption of COVID-19, it seems the world is beginning to ask itself “what now?” This includes both large organizations and small businesses that are all exploring strategies to help get employees safely back to work and shape the new workplace in the physical distancing economy.

Beyond disrupting nearly every aspect of our lives, the COVID-19 pandemic has also proven to be a disruptor of how we view the fundamental concept of work. Organizations and individuals are having to reassess how they approach health and safety, corporate social responsibilities, and the very nature of work itself.

5 Ways Work Is Expected to Change

Although we are still collectively in the midst of the crisis, we can start to examine emerging trends to get a glimpse of what the world of work might look like post-pandemic.

1. Virtual work works!

Before the crisis, less than 4% of U.S. employees worked remotely, as many organizations believed that remote workers were less productive and engaged. However, the pandemic has forced businesses to create work from home (WFH) policies in a matter of days or weeks, and now 74% of CFOs say they plan to increase remote workOpens a new window in their organizations when the pandemic is over. Employers have realized their fears about WFH were unfounded and are also recognizing the financial benefit of a virtual workforce, which can save organizations over $500 billion a yearOpens a new window in real estate, electricity, absenteeism, and productivity.

Learn More: Covid-19 Lockdown Sparks Remote Working RevolutionOpens a new window

2. There’s a shift from WHY to HOW?

The pandemic has forced organizations to realize that how we get work done matters just as much as why we do the work. Additionally, companies are being scrutinized for their response to the crisis, and particularly how they treat both their customers and employees. The public is watching closely, and the decisions being made today will significantly impact an employer’s brand and their ability to attract top talent for years to come. More than ever, organizations need to be determined in their purpose, drive their decisions based on organizational values, and prioritize the how just as much as the why.

3. The race to digitize

Pre-pandemic, it was believed that digitizing an organization was a smart strategy to help future-proof a business, but in the new normal of remote work, digitization is table stakes for business continuity. Many global organizations that had multiyear planned digitization strategies are now executing them in a matter of months. Technology adoption is pivotal, and those organizations that successfully upskill their employees in using digital solutions are more likely to thrive in a post-COVID-19 world.

4. Distribution of organizational hierarchy

Many beliefs around hierarchy and the traditional organizational structures have not changed since the industrial revolution, but the pandemic has forced organizations to distribute authority across their remote workforce and locally empower employees to make pivotal decisions for the business. In our new work reality, local managers will have to make crucial decisions around workplace safetyOpens a new window quickly and without time for escalations. As different states and regions reopen at varying times, and with varying constraints and rules, companies will need to rely on localized support, expertise, and decision-makers.

Learn More: 5 Steps for Successfully Transitioning to Remote WorkOpens a new window

5. The urgency of workforce planning

The pandemic has forced many organizations to re-examine their overall talent strategy. Employers must now be laser-focused on what skills are truly essential to their core business and how they can quickly fill in talent gaps to keep the company operational. Organizations that already had reskilling programs in place were best equipped to quickly move employees around within the company to fill skills gaps. But companies without reskilling programs will need to consider providing more flexible career paths to workers and cross-training their employeesOpens a new window through mentorship, job rotation, and apprenticeship programs once the pandemic is over. Employers should also prepare for new roles to emerge in the socially distanced office, such as workplace health specialists, chief well-being officers, or chief mental health officers.

While there is still a long way to go to get our economy and labor force back on track, we are already seeing how the future of work will change as a result of the pandemic. For employers that want to stay ahead of the curve and future-proof their organizations, trust, transparency, and the ability to adapt will be crucial.

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