Marketing to the Mind


All of marketing is based on psychological suggestion and is designed to appeal to the mind of the consumer. Every decision made in marketing is very specifically crafted to influence potential customers to make a purchase. This can be as small as a supermarket placing children’s toys near the cash registers or as large as multi-million dollar ad campaigns.

One of the most prolific psychological marketing methods is known as the AIDA model, which is a simple four-step platform that outlines the process the average consumer goes through before they make a purchasing decision.

What Is the AIDA Model?

Simply put, the AIDA model stands for awareness, interest, desire and ac on, which are the four states of mind a consumer experiences before making a purchase. It is important for marketing material to not only appeal to the mind of consumers in each of the four stages, but the material should also help move the consumer into the next stage. A billboard reaching a new individual may create product awareness, but if the billboard is not crafted to move the consumer onto the stage of interest, then the billboard has become ineffective. So in order to avoid pitfalls like this, it is important to market to the mind of a consumer.


The first stage of the AIDA model, awareness is what occurs when a possible consumer becomes aware of the existence of a product. While this is one of the most important steps in the model, it is also the easiest to carry out, as it can be as simple as showing an individual or group of individuals an advertisement. The important part of the awareness stage is capturing that a en on and turning it into interest. This can be achieved by making marketing material particularly interesting, or using the material to create a strong emotion in the consumer.


The interest stage is essentially a middle ground in the AIDA model, but, like awareness, must move the consumer into the next stage. Interest can be very fleeting in consumers, leaving as soon as the consumer is exposed to a newer product. One of the most effective ways for marketing material to move the consumer on from interest is to exhibit individuality or necessity. Once a product has been shown to be superior to a competitor’s and a consumer has been convinced that they need a product, interest can very quickly become desire.


Desire is the final transitioning point of the model, and once a consumer has reached this stage they are very likely to make a purchasing decision, so long as they have the means to do so. Because of this final barrier, the only thing marketing materials can do to move a consumer closer to the final stage is to stress the previous features that transitioned them up to this point. At its very core, desire is the most e effective psychological tool in marketing, and the first two stages of the AIDA model present the best opportunity to invoke it.


Action is the final stage of the AIDA method. For many, it is the final goal of marketing, as it results in a purchase. However, in spite of this, the ac on stage is not outside the realm of marketing. Once a consumer has made a purchase, it is very important to keep marketing to them. If this is done e effectively, then a firm can inspire brand loyalty in the consumer and make them want to carry out further purchases.


In short, the AIDA model is one of the most e effective marketing methods a firm can employ. By properly employing this model, a marketing department can appeal directly to the mind of the consumer, e effectively moving them through the AIDA model’s stages and on to a purchasing decision.