75% of Hourly Workforce Needs Flexibility in Working Shifts, Finds Greene-Group


After surveying over 901 respondents in a 22-question multiple choice survey, Greene-Groupe comes up with the preferences of the hourly workforce

MyWorkChoice, the app-enabled flexible staffing solution for companies and W-2 employees, on May 27, 2020, released new data from a workforce sentiment survey conducted by Greene-Group, its parent company. The survey results reveal the present status of the American workforce and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the hourly workforce.

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Following are the key findings of the survey:

· 75% of hourly workers want flexibility in their job

· 70% of hourly workers want a mobile-app to schedule their shift of work

· The ability of workers to choose their flexible shift surpassed preference for the type of work by 20-basis points

· 30% of hourly workers cannot return to already scheduled hourly shifts due to the newly added family responsibility due to the shutdown

· Nearly 1 out of 5 employees are against the 10–12 hour shift in the post-COVID world

· Even before the outbreak of COVID-19, 56% of hourly workers were searching for new opportunities and were mostly attracted toward flexible work shifts

These findings clearly highlight the fact that employees can be attracted the most by the flexibility in working shifts and the ability of hourly workers to choose their own shifts through a mobile app post COVID-19.

“We’ve seen this for over three decades” says MyWorkChoiceOpens a new window CEO Tana Greene. “Employees want flexibility now more than ever, and employers benefit when they capitalize on that need. Our fill rates of over 95% per shift, per day show how impactful the ability to choose hours worked can be.”

Sure enough, with office workers being given the flexibility to work from home and in some cases even choose their hours, the same freedom is likely to be expected by the hourly workforce. Flexible schedules can benefit engagement and improve retention in a group that is highly prone to attrition. Armed with the right technology that aids top-down and peer-to-peer communication, hourly workers can soon achieve the flexibility they desire.

Other important findings:

· Before the outbreak of the pandemic, 60% of hourly workers worked more than 36 hours per week with 30% of them working in multiple jobs· After the global outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, 42% of hourly workers had their hours of work of pay either reduced by more than 50% or completely eliminated

· Only 14% of the hourly workforce is receiving government assistance in the U.S. after losing their job

· 13% of hourly employees are not receiving any government assistance despite applying for it

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