Airbnb, Walmart Plunge into Politically-Inspired Brand Activism


“Belief-driven buying” is at an all-time high.

A report released last month by communications marketing firm Edelman posits that purchasing decisions of 64% of global consumers are now heavily influenced by a company’s social or political position, while two-thirds believe businesses should take stands on such issues.

Whereas sharing a company’s opinion on a controversial topic was long seen as a serious faux-pas by American marketers, being bold and taking a stance is fast becoming the norm. It makes sense considering that nine of 10 millennials agree they would switch to a brand if it associates with a cause they personally believe in.

Indeed, consumers are demanding brand purpose and socially responsible marketingOpens a new window from the companies they patronize. Consequently, businesses of every size and across industries are getting on board with this movement.

Fitting with this growing trend, Nike’s sponsorship of former N.F.L. quarterback Colin Kaepernick in the midst of a controversial, racially-fueled debate is one recent example that garnered significant media and public attention.

Although the sports apparel company suffered widespread criticism for backing the ex-San Francisco 49er, who sparked a national debate over his kneeling during the national anthem, it was, in fact, a highly effective marketing campaign – as seen in Nike’s $6 billion growth in value in the weeks after releasing the ad campaign featuring Kaepernick.

Notably, this idea of “brand purpose” is leaking into the murky world of politics.

For instance, myriad companies have made comments on various policies implemented by the Trump administration, primarily via marketing campaigns. Both Airbnb and Budweiser aired major ads during the Super Bowl that seemingly came out against Trump’s travel ban and general hostility towards immigrants (without explicitly talking specifics).

Importantly, although these cases mentioned above certainly have broached controversial and politically-charged topics, they’ve also focused on the social elements of these debates.

Nike’s message was to stand up (or kneel down) for what you believe in, especially in the face of adversity. Airbnb and Budweiser focused on advocating acceptance, regardless of creed, color or background.

What we are seeing more frequently, though, is that companies are increasingly willing to venture into political topics.

Walmart, for example, recently pulled its support for Republican Mississippi Senator Cindy Hyde-Smith’s runoff campaign following a comment she made about attending a “public hanging.” The retail giant went so far as to publicly denounce Hyde-Smith’s remark and even asked for a refund of its campaign donations.

Meanwhile, Airbnb – which seems to have a penchant for taking a stand – has made a significant political statement by removing Israeli West Bank settlement listings from its platform.

Delving into politics, however, can bring danger.

Some marketers argue that the worst-case scenario for a company is when audiences become divided (plus, think about the free publicity!). But that’s not necessarily true.

Pepsi discovered this the hard way with an ad it ran last yearOpens a new window . The soda company was trying to ‘join the conversations’ prevalent at the time surrounding the women’s marches, Black Lives Matter protests and demonstrations outside Trump Tower.

The ad, which featured Kendall Jenner joining a protest and bringing peace to civil unrest thanks to Pepsi, was widely seen as a corporate giant trying to co-opt resistance movements in order to sell soda.

The result: major backlash on social media that induced Pepsi to pull the ad and issue a public apology, creating a case study on advertising gone wrong.

With so many companies walking the line between politics and brand activism, let’s look at some of the key aspects of a politically-charged marketing campaign that will help to duplicate Nike’s success and avoid replicating Pepsi’s failure.

Know your audience

Before getting political, marketers will need to ensure they pick the right topic and discuss it in the right way. The worst thing a company can do is half-heartedly weigh in on a hot-button issue in an attempt to capitalize on a highly publicized debate (think: Pepsi).

As such, it’s critical for marketing teams to identify issues that correspond to their company’s values and that provide opportunities to engage and connect with customers. The message of this campaign must align with brand values in order to resonate effectively with the audience.

Know your strategy

The best way to ensure the message stays on point and remains in line with your company’s core beliefs? Shape an editorial plan that informs every marketing decision.

Consistency across channels is key, from the message itself, to the tone – and even to the fonts and images that go with the campaign. Each element should reflect your brand’s essence.

All your PR – each social media post, commercial, web copy, blog and article – should be crafted to adhere to the editorial plan – unless you want to alienate loyal customers by sharing an opinion that goes against your brand’s holistic messaging.

Know your motivation

The prevalence of social media especially has created a business landscape where consumers now demand near-instant accountability from companiesOpens a new window .

Hence, marketers must be hyper-vigilant when their company enters a political subject. The motivation must be genuine. Brands that take a political stand in a bid to boost revenue will almost certainly be caught out.

In other words, being political must fit into a larger organizational framework.