HR Analytics

Five Elements of Happy Workplaces

Five Elements of Happy Workplaces

Happier employees are not only more productive and creative but also have less turnover. Genuine happiness creates a more collaborative work environment—the key is understanding the difference between fun and happy. Ed Wesley, VP of People at DreamHost shares five elements that create lasting happiness in the workplace

Employee GPS Tracking: Work Efficiency or Lack of Privacy?

Employee GPS Tracking: Work Efficiency or Lack of Privacy?

How to make a business more effective? Does employee GPS tracking make workers think about lack of privacy? It is important to know where the employee monitoring system hits the privacy. Aigerim Berzinya, Director of Marketing at Turtler explains benefits and potential risks of GPS tracking

Employee Engagement Toolkit: Conversation, Motivation & Feedback

Employee Engagement Toolkit: Conversation

Doug Dennerline, CEO, BetterWorks, spoke to HR Technologist on the power of a motivated workforce, about the need to take the goal setting process seriously and why he believes annual review processes are completely outdated. Doug brings deep experience leading high-growth enterprise software companies and businesses. Prior to BetterWorks, he has held leadership positions in companies like Alfresco Software, SAP and Salesforce.