How AI Can Give Executives Their Time and Life Back by Automating Presentations


In every enterprise department, presentations are the primary source for providing information to other business executives delivering messages in public conferences, and they are a part of online marketing. It’s not uncommon for managers and other business heads to schedule meetings that work best with a PowerPoint presentation, but these meetings are often scheduled a few hours in advance. This leaves incredible pressure on managers responsible for creating these presentations.

Ask any business executive or manager about the time it takes to create presentations, and they will tell you it takes hours of their time. Add to the stress of multiple meetings that require several presentations. Any employee responsible for building these presentations can spend hours of their time strictly creating PowerPoint documents rather than focusing on other productive activities.

Overworked Employees Lose Quality of Life

A common saying often targeting employees who work long hours is to work smarter. But this simplistic approach does not account for busy people with several responsibilities who spend much of their time in meetings. Meetings can take hours out of the day, and these meetings can’t be substituted using another method or practice. It’s not uncommon for managers to have back-to-back meetings all day long, several days a week.

After years in corporate, a 40-hour workweek turns into 50, 60, or more hours. The time at work takes a toll on personal life. It can lead to unnecessary stress and a breakdown of personal relationships, and the employee could have an overall feeling of depression and other health issues. The issues never subside as long as employees feel overcommitted without any way to overcome work-related stress.

Harvard Business Review researchedOpens a new window what employees can do to be more productive. The research showed that 41% of employee tasks are considered unproductive and could be delegated either to other people or technology resources. It also details Pfizer’s commitment to ban presentations internally to avoid the hours of the time it takes for individuals to create documents on days filled with meetings.

Presentations don’t need to take hours of employee time. They can be created within minutes using artificial intelligence technology.

Using AI To Eliminate Building Presentations and Reduce Work Stress

The last several years have given organizations several improvements in artificial intelligence (AI). AI can perform numerous tasks to help free up time for employees, including creating PowerPoint presentations needed for meetings, public conferences, and other times information sharing is necessary. Although AI has been improved for creating presentations, many organizations are unaware of the time saved by leveraging these services.

At first glance, organizations might not think the time saved using AI is worth the cost, but it also significantly lowers cost. For simplicity, suppose that an upper-management employee making $100 per hour spends 40 hours a month creating presentations. This cost adds to $48,000 annually. Now, add dozens of employees to the cost, and organizations could easily spend seven figures in employee hours just for presentation creation.

Artificial intelligence can reduce the hours spent creating presentations to mere minutes. These AI systems still use layouts, fonts, images, and even data to build a document that can then be used to present information publicly or internally. They can take a repository of thousands of assets and build a presentation with a specific topic focus in minutes. Data can be updated as necessary so that recent PowerPoint presentations have the most up-to-date information that can be included in documents. 

Organizations also struggle with the hurdle of consistency across presentations. Presentation layouts offer branding opportunities, and any changes employees make must be approved by the corporate. Legal might require canned messages on all presentations. Any small mistake can ruin a presentation, but artificial intelligence eliminates many human errors common with document generation. For example, HR might need a canned message notifying readers that the organization is an equal opportunity employer. Artificial intelligence ensures that these messages are always added to each PowerPoint slide.

Instead of relying on individual employees to follow presentation protocols, artificial intelligence takes input from users and includes all necessary information and formatting that keeps presentations consistent across the entire organization. With branding in mind, consistency ensures that any information shared with the public during conferences will have the same elements that people remember, a common component in marketing.

See More: AI in HR: Opening the Door for Engagement 

Save Money, Time, and Increase Productivity Without Increasing Work Hours

Reducing workloads can help give quality of life to employees who dedicate their week to seeing a business grow. Instead of spending hours creating presentations, generation tools that use artificial intelligence can create them within minutes. Employees have the documents they need, and they don’t spend hours making them.

For organizations, artificial intelligence can save millions of dollars in costs associated with employee time. The time freed up can then be used to provide the organization with more effective and efficient activities that can help the business grow and increase revenue.

Are you leveraging artificial intelligence to create business presentations? What benefits have you seen? Let us know on FacebookOpens a new window , TwitterOpens a new window , and LinkedInOpens a new window .