How to Leverage Emotional Intelligence to Boost Sales Engagement


Revenue teams can now use computer vision and conversational AI to better ‘read the room,’ in remote sales scenarios. This results in more impactful interactions with customers and prospects that help close more deals and drive revenue, and shares, Sylvain Tremblay, EVP leading, Uniphore.

Artificial Intelligence is reshaping the B2B sales experience, giving teams insights into customer sentiment, intent and behavioral cues. And with more engagements happening virtually than ever before, the solution couldn’t have come soon enough.

The sales pitch is dead! That cornerstone of sales engagement—the classic “elevator pitch”—walked out the door when the rest of the world left the office (and, coincidentally, its elevators) behind. In today’s virtual-first meeting environment, with its myriad onscreen challenges and offscreen distractions, people no longer have the patience or the appetite to be “talked at.” Without the dynamics and chemistry of in-person interaction, virtual pitches come across much like the disconnected faces that deliver them: flat.

While the global pandemic and ensuing remote work migration may have delivered the final blow, the writing was on the wall well before the events of 2020. The rise of video conferencing platforms like Zoom and WebEx, which would become ubiquitous in the following years, signaled its end over a decade ago. However, while technology—or, more appropriately, our relationship with technology—may have put the elevator pitch to pasture, technology would ultimately give us something better.

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You Are Now the Meeting Host

Video conferencing users—and sales team members—know this message well. It means the meeting is ready to begin. In the pre-video era, this time would have been reserved for in-person greetings, introductions and, of course, the initial sales pitch (if the meeting was a sales call). Today, it signals the start of a presentation, with requisite opening remarks and awkward banter between one or more talking heads on a desktop application. At worst, it’s a grueling monologue; at best, it’s a lively dialogue with thoughtful questions and engaging insights. And while most sales reps hope it’s the latter, research shows that capturing and maintaining virtual attendee engagement is easier said than done.

In its 2021 Seller Skill Assessment, Gartner reportedOpens a new window that only 23% of B2B sales reps believe they are equally effective selling virtually in a live, in-person setting. That sentiment is reflected in sales numbers. According to a sales activity study by ForresterOpens a new window , 54% of sales reps reported that losing the opportunity to meet clients in person has hurt their ability to meet quota. And with more meetings happening remotely, virtual sellers’ stakes are higher than ever. For those trained in face-to-face selling, the mantle of “meeting host” may feel more like a burden.

Let’s Have a Conversation

What do virtual prospects want instead of a sales pitch? A conversation. People want to be heard and understood, and they expect thoughtful dialogue that considers their spoken (and non-spoken) input. In other words, they want two-way communication, not a one-way presentation. That’s much easier to do in person than over a screen. Why? Because it’s significantly harder to “read the room” when those conversing aren’t in the room together. After all, conversations are much more than just an exchange of words.

Much of how we communicate is unconscious and non-verbal. We rely heavily on context, tone and other visual elements to get a solid “reading” of our audience. In face-to-face interactions, we, as humans, naturally recognize and respond to non-verbal “cues” like tonal inflections and facial expressions. However, in virtual engagements, these are infinitely harder to read, especially when multiple participants are on a call. Participants may be distracted, disengaged or even dismissive; yet, without vocalizing it, these signs often go unnoticed.

That’s bad news for B2B sales teams trying to influence decision-makers. According to Harvard professor and author Gerald Zaltman, most purchase decisions are unconscious and emotionally driven. The typical buying group for a complex B2B solution involves six to 10 decision-makers. Each armed with four or five pieces of information they’ve gathered independently and must deconflict with the group—the onus to deliver an emotionally intelligent and effective sales conversation is multiplied. And with more participants tuning in remotely, the likelihood of critical cues slipping by increases exponentially. One can also attribute these missed opportunities that sales representatives have missed lines or lapses in emotional intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence To The Rescue

While virtual engagements may hinder our natural ability to “read the room,” the technology also holds the key to our redemption: Emotional intelligence. Video meetings are rich in mineable data. And while many platforms offer recordings and transcripts for post-meeting analysis, this only scratches at the surface of what’s possible. To go deeper, sales teams must look beyond vocal playback tools toward the increasingly sophisticated suite of available artificial intelligence solutions.

Combining computer vision, Natural Language Processing(NLP) and tonal analysis with next-generation machine learning, today’s leading AI software can unlock and interpret volumes of intelligence embedded deep within video sales meetings. This includes sentiment, engagement and other emotional data garnered from often-overlooked nonverbal cues. Moreover, advancements in this technology mean that analysis can now happen in real-time, offering sales meeting hosts actionable insights when they need it most—during live engagements.

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The Conversation Before The Conversation

While video EI enablement is a game changer for virtual sales teams, it is only one piece of a much larger conversational picture. Research shows that as much as 80 percent of the buyer journey is completed before meeting with sales. This number is even higher for B2B sales. According to GartnerOpens a new window , when B2B buyers are considering a purchase, they spend only 17 percent of that time meeting with potential suppliers. When buyers are comparing multiple suppliers, the amount of time spent with any one sales rep may be only 5 or 6 percent. To give sales reps the edge they need to close the deal, B2B organizations must engage with customers earlier in their journey. Much earlier.

Again, AI offers a solution. By applying conversational AI to understand and enhance touch points that occur before, during (and after) the pivotal meeting, organizations can meet their customers where they are on their buying journey.   Accurately gauging a prospective customer’s needs, wants and motivations are based upon a wealth of rational and emotional data. They can then leverage this collective customer intelligence to build a positive rapport that engages customers on their terms and sets the stage for a successful sales meeting. In other words, they can influence the conversation well before the live conversation takes place.

And that’s ultimately what customers want—an engaging, personalized conversation that flows naturally from touchpoint to touchpoint. No more monologues, sit-and-watch presentations or impersonal cold calls; the sales pitch is dead. In today’s hybrid sales environment, the winners will be the ones who create a positive and engaging experience, a new era of rich conversations driven by AI-enhanced emotional intelligence and journey-wide optimization.

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