Lemons to Lemonade: Turning Ad Surplus Into Valuable Real Estate


Amazon FireTV, Apple TV, Roku, Chromecast are devices and names that everyone recognizes as a connected TV (CTV) vehicle for some of our favorite content. This makes their programming prime real estate for advertisers looking to reach plenty of eyes. In fact, according to research from Leichtman Research Group, 82% of householdsOpens a new window in the United States have at least one CTV device.

However, because consumers today have an array of streaming TV options, channel owners have to deliver an entertaining experience to keep viewers watching during commercial breaks. And yet, it seems like the opposite is happening. More and more channels are showing repetitiveOpens a new window ads, thus, turning viewers away and leading to more unsold ad space. As smaller channel owners struggle to fill unsold inventory, many have resorted to leveraging legacy slates — static “we’ll be right back” messages — to keep viewers’ engaged during breaks. But these ads fail to grab viewers’ attention, ultimately further contributing to churn. Channel owners need to prioritize making this unsold space valuable real estate for advertisers to reach audiences in the most effective way that will set smaller channel owners apart.

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So where is this surplus coming from? Ad spend has disproportionately goneOpens a new window towards better-known CTV options, and smaller channel owners are being left behind. However, a vicious cycle is evolving — as viewers leave the channel, so do advertisers as the audience they are trying to reach has moved elsewhere.

Smaller channels have an opportunity to capture viewer attention and attract new advertisers by taking a more innovative approach to managing their surplus of advertising supply. There are three main points small channel owners can make to ensure ad buyers are attracted to their unsold ad inventory.

Create Mentally and Contextually Stimulating Content

The arguably most important factor in this situation for channel owners is the viewer. If the viewer isn’t engaged, nothing else that advertisers or channel owners can do matters much. As a result, it is imperative that this unsold ad inventory is a space where advertisers can create mentally and contextually stimulating content that enhances a viewer’s in-channel experience. Each viewer is different, and they want to see advertisements that they feel represent who they are. If an advertiser can master that, they will have the viewer engaged.

Leverage Native Content

Channel owners are also a big part of the equation. This may seem like a no-brainer, but successful advertising campaigns are contingent on serving content that is both relevant and personalized to the audience. Viewers want seamless transitions between content and creatives. Consumers watch native ads 53% more than display adsOpens a new window . Native ads result in a better quality viewing experience, a smarter way to deliver promos and a new revenue stream that makes rather than costs money.

Design for Easy and Seamless Brand Sponsorship

The last part of the CTV advertising ecosystem is the advertisers themselves. Advertisers have a job that demands time, energy and money. If they find a solution that makes the process of advertising easier, everyone benefits. CTV is the ideal place for brands to offer shoppable CTV experiences. Here brands can use QR codes displayed on the screen to direct audiences to their site or a specific product they are selling or simply reinforce their presence in the living room. Additionally, some CTV solutions offer great flexibility to advertisers, giving them the opportunity to update ads in real-time as current events and the news cycle change. This allows brands to show their audiences that they are listening to the news and keeping up and enables them to extend the life of pre-existing creative by making them fresh and new, thus proving more financially effective.

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It is no secret that smaller channels have a difficult time competing with the CTV behemoths. However, it doesn’t mean that they can’t compete. There are key strategies that small channel owners can take to make their surplus ad inventory appealing to buyers.

How have you made sure that your unsold CTV inventory is attractive to ad buyers? Share with us on FacebookOpens a new window , TwitterOpens a new window , and LinkedInOpens a new window .

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