Product or Service Quality Matters the Most in Customers’ Decision To Work With a Business

  • Businesses today should provide excellent service experiences to customers to stay competitive.
  • While many B2C brands have taken steps in this regard, B2B companies should transform how they approach service to become more competitive.
  • So, what can B2B companies learn from consumer brands? Oracle and Ascend2 recently conducted a study to answer this question.

It is more critical than ever today for companies to differentiate themselves based on service experience than product features alone. The quality of service experience plays a vital role in whether a customer purchases or continues their existing relationship with the company. The lines between selling and servicing are disappearing, presenting enormous opportunities for brands to leverage service to build customer loyalty, gain recognition, and succeed.

While this is exemplified by B2C brands, B2B companies also should transform how they approach service to become more competitive. So, what can B2B businesses learn from how B2C brands operate? To answer this question, Oracle and Ascend2 recently conducted a study. The following are insights from the survey and things B2B companies can learn from B2C brands.

Service Experiences Greatly Matter to Customers

Several service interactions take place during a customer’s buyer journey. So, how much do service experiences impact how people buy from companies, their sentiment toward the brand, and the probability of continuing to buy from them?

The study found that service experiences matter considerably, and customer service quality strengthens customer satisfaction. About 99% of consumers said that the quality of customer service influenced their overall opinion about the brand to some extent.

Today’s B2B services experiences are also held to the same standards as B2C experiences, as the heart of all experiences is human-to-human interaction, and people carry expectations across settings. 

About 96% of people who regularly interact with customer service teams said their interactions as consumers influence their expectations from these departments at the workplace. About 76% of respondents also said that when they have an excellent experience interacting with one industry, their customer service expectations from other industries increase.

See more: In Customer Service, Digital Interactions Should Still Mean Personal

Service Quality Matters the Most in Deciding To Buy From or Work With a Business

What contributes to positive service interactions between customers and departments? According to the study’s respondents, service quality matters more than price when deciding to buy from a company or continue working with them. About 69% said product or service quality was the most important factor, and 58% said customer service quality mattered the most. About 54% said price was the most important factor.

According to the study, a few things are working in customer service. They are:

  • Speed and efficiency: People expect interactions with customer service teams to be fast and effortless. About 64% said how fast they get connected to an agent was most important to them when contacting a company. B2B businesses should offer real-time engagement to speed up how they connect customers to agents, answer queries, and resolve issues.
  • Ease of discovery: According to consumers (over 60%), how helpful agents are and how easy it is to discover the required information highly contribute to a positive experience.

Factors that contribute most to a positive experience with a business

Source: Oracle and Ascend2 studyOpens a new window

  • Growth of digital adoption: Consumers are increasingly using various digital channels to communicate with businesses. Automated chatbots are significantly growing, with 28% of consumers reporting growth in their usage over the last two years. Irrespective of the channel, companies should ensure that their service strategies help agents provide positive and personalized experiences across all interactions.

Having To Repeat Oneself Contributes to a Negative Experience

While certain things work in customer service, a few others don’t. For example, having to repeat oneself or an action is the top contributor to a negative service experience. Consumers naturally find it annoying to repeat their situation and actions multiple times or even contact customer service several times. The following are a few more factors leading to a negative experience.

Factors contributing most to a negative interaction with a business

Source: Oracle and Ascend2 studyOpens a new window

One primary reason for this is the technology companies use. In today’s connected world, there is no room for a disconnect between businesses and customers. Connected data is crucial to a business’s ability to provide a personalized and seamless experience. Hence, companies should connect customer data and intelligence gathered across all their systems.

Negative service experiences have consequences. The top action people have taken after a negative experience is telling others about it, with 62% citing it. In a B2B setting, this can lead to diminished perceived brand value. A few other negative consequences include customers stopping doing business with the company (53%), leaving a bad rating/review online (40%), and talking about it on social media (21%).

Three Things B2B Companies Should Learn From Consumer Brands

B2B companies can learn a few things from B2C companies regarding service. Here are three things they can learn.

1. Make service digital-first, with a seamless handoff to human agents

Customers want quick access to information whenever and wherever they look for it. To create the right balance between the efficiency of tech and automation and humanized experience, layer the digital service experience with agent-assisted service in a seamless way to the customer. Make this possible by establishing a full view of the customer and a single source of truth. Ensure all customer information is available centrally and can be used in both environments to provide personalized messaging. This ensures customer needs are met effectively and efficiently.

2. Make messaging available across channels and pertinent to the customer across touchpoints

Customers have a personal connection with the brands they interact with, and every touchpoint impacts the overall experience. Hence, businesses should deliver positive, personal experiences throughout the customer lifecycle.

Some methods of contact vary widely among consumers depending on what they intend to accomplish. For example, they may prefer websites while purchasing and phone or email when contacting the business. This means brands should be everywhere consistently with information relevant to specific customer needs.

3. Empower service agents with the right tech and knowledge

To deliver positive interaction experiences, agents should have data and product knowledge at their fingertips. Simultaneously, B2B companies should also think about employee experience. Empowered agents can deliver better service. Hence, businesses should empower agents with the right technology and customer and product knowledge. This allows them to provide a fast and effective experience and offers opportunities to cross-sell and provide better recommendations. This further builds brand trust and loyalty.

Businesses can consider using a complete integrated suite of cloud applications to help unify customer data into complete profiles and actionable intelligence.

See more: Why Customer Support Should Be Abuzz With Intelligent Swarming

Focusing on Experience

Consumer brands have long realized that customer and service experience can be more important than the product and have capitalized on it. B2B companies should realize this sooner than later. After all, irrespective of whether it is a B2C or B2B setting, it is real people who interact with service providers and make decisions.

B2B companies should adopt B2C service best practices and implement relevant processes supported by integrated data and technology to make it easier for customers to do business with them, thus differentiating themselves with exceptional service experiences and leading their markets.

As a B2B business, what steps have you taken to provide excellent service experiences to your customers? Let us know on LinkedInOpens a new window , TwitterOpens a new window , or FacebookOpens a new window . We’d love to hear from you!

Image source: Shutterstock


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