Redefining Recruitment with Chatbots


Chatbots are set to become a vital component of the recruitment process. In this article, we explore what chatbots can do to streamline recruitment and some measures you as recruiters should take before deploying them for hiring.

A recruitment chatbot is defined as a technology powered by natural language processing (NLP) and artificial intelligence (AI) that imitates a conversation with humans as conducted during the recruitment process. It communicates with candidates via text through social media or a specific application.

These chatbots use NLP to understand the keywords candidates use in these “conversations.” They can also be powered by AI to understand context and have deeper conversations with candidates. This can translate into numerous benefits for recruiters – the most prominent one being reduced time spent manually screening candidates – and improved candidate experience.

A Gartner report recently found that enterprises are going to spend 50% more on chatbots than on mobile appsOpens a new window . They are set to become central to a number of functions, and recruitment is one of the places where they can add tremendous value. In an age where candidate experience is expected to mimic consumer experience, chatbots can help improve this experience for all age groups and demographics. Here’s a look at how chatbots are redefining recruitment.

What Can a Recruitment Chatbot Do for You?

Hiring begins when recruiters begin scanning hundreds of resumes to shortlist candidates for a position. Recruitment chatbots can step in to assess candidates, eliminating those who are not a good fit, and shortlisting those who are, for the next round. In essence, using AI in recruitmentOpens a new window can replace at least the first round of manual screening of candidates.

Speaking with HR Technologist, Joe Edwards, U.S. Executive Director at Tonic3 and W3Opens a new window says, “With the proper set-up, the bot can generate lots of useful information that can help HR professionals narrow in on the best candidates. In addition to knock-out questions, bots can help sort applicants by salary range, identify if an applicant has worked for specific industries, or even companies. They can also rank candidates by offering simple multiple-choice tests on language skills or custom-defined technical skills. Timestamps provide the time used to answer specific questions (and the whole interview). The information is stored in a database and can be retrieved by applying filters that return short lists of candidates meeting a certain set of conditions.”

In addition, these chatbots are available to answer candidates’ questions 24/7, addressing their expectations for quick responses. They also communicate with candidates throughout the hiring journey, keeping them informed of the changes in their application process.

Learn More: Can Artificial Intelligence Eliminate Bias in Hiring?Opens a new window

How Can Chatbots Benefit an HR Team?

In recruitment, effective chatbots stand to make the HR department’s life much easier and accelerate the hiring process. In addition, chatbots can offer the following benefits to recruiters:

1. Improve the candidate experience

From the candidate experienceOpens a new window perspective, Joe explains, “An instant response and availability 24/7 on any device, if properly designed, is a big leap forward compared to email communication, which is dependent on a human response (and which sometimes never happens). In sum, a bot approach gives the candidate some level of control which they do not have in a traditional model.”

2. Reduce time-to-hire

With the first round of communication and screening automated, recruiters will find that they have more time to strategize and reach out to the most appealing candidates, instead of spending time talking to every prospect who should be ruled out. The result? Recruiters can spend their time, effort, and energy where there is scope for a high-quality match.

In Joe’s experience, “The biggest numerical justification we’ve seen for bots in HR comes from increased speed in filling positions and decreased costs by helping to maximize the human professional’s time.”

3. Demonstrate company culture

Chatbots can be designed to use a tone (formal or informal) that reflects the organization’s culture. Adjusting the chatbot’s progression and demeanor, for example, formal or informal, can help an organization deliver a positive user experience. Recruiters and HR can also use chatbots to build and communicate the employer brandOpens a new window clearly.

4. Help identify job fit

By analyzing the conversation a potential employee has with the chatbot, you can determine the behavior and motivations of the employee to see whether they are a suitable fit for the job and the company.

Learn More: 4 Essentials of an AI-Powered Candidate Screening SoftwareOpens a new window

Proceed With Caution

Organizations all over the world are already leveraging chatbots in innovative ways. However, to unleash the full potential chatbots have to offer, organizations must keep certain things in mind.

Unless chatbots are programmed and deployed correctly, it can lead to frustrating experiences for both candidates and recruiters. Joe adds, “A simple bot can be up and running in a few hours – but it takes weeks to do it well and months to refine it. And of course, there is the ongoing care to keep it performing.”

There is also the aspect of users’ comfort with interacting with chatbots. Joe explains, “First, bots are not dumb humans. They are bots. This has to be clear to the user by setting expectations and providing tips on how to answer. Recruiting bots (as opposed to customer service bots) lead the dialogue flow. This implies a cautious dialogue design.”

In this regard, it is imperative that decision-makers participate in the development of the chatbot to define the direction conversations can take, and perhaps even draw up thorough blueprints before the programming commences. Sometimes, users may use language that chatbots don’t understand. This should be kept in mind while programming and appropriate recourse taken because the candidate experience is at stake.

Joe goes on to add, “Second, there is a temptation to make the bot really friendly and have it answer all kinds of background and cultural questions you imagine a candidate will have. That can be done, but it takes time and effort. We suggest starting with a relatively narrow path that is friendly, but one that sets up a process, and then steers the user back into it whenever he/she wants to wander off.”

Learn More: How will Recruiting Chatbots Change Hiring in 2020?Opens a new window

Key Takeaways for HR

Considering the current trend of AI and automation in recruiting, chatbots have definite potential to substantially cut down a recruiter’s workload. In addition, they have the power to redefine employee experienceOpens a new window . Be it interacting with hundreds of candidates concurrently, ensuring current employees’ satisfaction, or being instrumental to creating a dependable brand as an employer, chatbots show immense potential to take up the mantle of HR’s most trusted ally.

Do you use chatbots for recruitment? How have they helped you make better hiring decisions? Let us know on FacebookOpens a new window , LinkedInOpens a new window , or TwitterOpens a new window . We would love to hear about your experience.