Why Should Employers Consider Video Resumes?


Video resume is the new creative type of resume that allows the employer to get that first impression, which in most cases turns out to be the final one, writes Jennifer Broflowski, Content Contributor, EssayYoda.

It is becoming common practice for employers to use video in job interviews and even resumes. While video resumes might not completely replace their traditional written counterparts, they will likely become more important. The reasons are endless. Some of the main reasons that trigger employers to ask for this type of resume is that it shows the creative, flexible and credible side of the character. 

While the written resume shows a lot about an applicant, it is a bit limited. As we want to help recruiters and employers to utilize this newer approach, we also want to explain why it is a good hiring practice. Of course, we are not discounting the written resume, but this more creative one allows employer to get that first impression, which in most cases turns out to be the final one.
Recruiters see an additional effort

According to the survey that took more than 2,000 hiring managers into consideration,  60% of them were interested in the video resume. who applies for the job. This means that the managers, due to the lack of HR section, believe that a video resume is a good way of representation. Sending the electronic version of a resume is just another standard process a candidate must follow in order to apply for the job, but sending the video presentation is a whole different story. As a recruiter, you will see the additional effort of the candidate, and you will have a chance to get the first impression from this video that might be crucial in determining the right person for the job. 

Video resume lowers the chance for faking

It may happen that the candidate passes all the exams before getting to the final interview. The final interview actually reveals that the applicant has no practical knowledge in the marketing industry, rather he has some help from an experienced online marketing consultant during the testing process. 

As a recruiter, you want to get quickly to the best-qualified candidates and avoid fake applicants. In a video resume, you will be able to better assess the technical skills of the applicant and other skills necessary for the job. In a video, it is highly unlikely that the applicant will be able to pretend he/she knows how to use SEMRush tool or any other tool the job might require.
It presents the speaking abilities of an applicant

Hundred words and images may present a person in a good light, but her speaking abilities will tell you more. The applicant can present himself much better when talking, and that means it can increase the chances of hiring the right person. Of course, this depends on a few other things, but generally, you will have an easier time determining whether you are dealing with the right person for the job.

Video is easier to store and organize

If you had ever been in a recruiting role, you should know how hard it is to organize every single printed resume and store them appropriately. Instead of handling paper, it is easier to download a video on your computer and store it in a folder. It does not only cut down the overall time but also saves physical space.

You can see the enthusiasm

Unlike on paper, a video resume allows you to see the applicant’s enthusiasm. You, as a recruiter, have the job of recognizing whether someone is a good fit and is showing a positive attitude towards the prospect of filling the role. It is typically very difficult to hide the enthusiasm if you are excited about something, so you can see whether the applicant really wants the job and has the desired qualities.

Confirms that the candidate is comfortable with technology

Submitting a simple Word document file or a PDF is easy, but recording and editing a video is a bit different. If a candidate did a good job and followed all given instructions, you can be almost confident he is tech-savvy. 

The use of advanced technology and services is solid proof that the candidate is up-to-date with technology and less likely to experience technical challenges. Therefore, the video resume is one of the things that represent the candidate’s ability to follow up on the complex procedures that involve technology use and the latest perks of it. Nowadays, it is not enough to only use Google to get a job.

Highlights the humor

Would you prefer to hire someone who is light-hearted or someone who is always serious? It might depend on your company culture and the open role, but you’ll be able to see a person’s personality from their video resume. Someone with a good sense of humor is more likely to be positive and always ready for teamwork. In most cases, the first couple of minutes of the video can show you whether the person is happy or “grim”.

You can notice the confidence

Paper can show really great and remarkable skills of a candidate, but it cannot show the confidence. This video session is just what you want to see – the ability of the candidate to handle new things and the ability to emerge into solving new problems. No one can hide his insecurity, so if you are looking for a way to determine whether someone is confident, a video resume is the best option. You will be able to recognize the level of confidence and understand whether you want to pursue the candidate or not.

Confirms the precision and staying-on-point skills

Some people find it easier to stay focused on paper and have a really hard time to organize their thoughts when speaking. Of course, this does not mean you will reject the candidate who camera-shy, but you can realize whether that person is good at precision and focus. Sometimes it can be harder to stay-on-point on paper, which means that some candidates can explain precisely their achievements, goals, and strategies.

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Easier communication skill assessment

If you’re looking for a candidate for a public relations position, you’ll likely be looking for someone with a bubbly personality and good public speaking skills. Therefore, a Video will give you a better glimpse at the person than their written resume. For example, in marketing companies, it is all about communicating with customers, and that means that communication skills must be impeccable. Jobrack platform requires a short video presentation in more than 90 percent of job ads since it is a powerful way to determine the language skills and cut down the time for interviewing. The officials of this platform had announced they had had a lot more success in hiring the right people through the use of video resumes.
The way candidates approach the job

Yes, you get insight into the applicants’ state of mind and how they approach the job. Every candidate wants to present himself in the best manner that would get him the job he wants. As a recruiter, you can recognize whether a person is blowzy or keeps professionalism at a high level. Instead of just reading the resume with a lot of achievements, you have a chance to see the overall performance of the candidate and how she interacts with new people, with a new job, and a new place.

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