Revolutionizing Campaign Measurement: Nielsen Launches Nielsen Compass


Nielsen Compass provides advertisers with innovative campaign measurement technique

Nielsen yesterdayOpens a new window introduced Nielsen Compass, a new database solution that leverages the company’s global scale to establish syndicated normative (norms) standards for campaign outcomes measurement. The dataset covers critical elements from marketing campaigns, including brands, pricing, promotions, and media platforms, providing a common measurement language across advertising buyers, sellers, and agencies. Each year the aggregated dataset is updated with approximately 25,000 campaign ROIs, 100 categories, and 50 countries.

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C-suite executives are demanding greater accountability and impact from their marketing plans. With Nielsen Compass, marketers can make data-driven decisions to optimize cross-media campaigns across TV, digital video, display, social, search, print, Out-of-Home, and radio to deliver high returns on their advertising spend. For example, Nielsen has found that brands that leveraged Nielsen Compass have been able to optimize and increase their effectiveness of their cross-media investments incrementally by up to 70% more than brands that have solely relied on market perceptions and gut feelings for their media allocation. This dataset offers flexible delivery methods based on client needs, including an interactive user-interface, dynamic reports with advanced calculations via file delivery, as well as feeding directly into Nielsen’s media planning suite.

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“There has never been a more dynamic and challenging time to be a marketer. Each year, billions of advertising dollars go to waste as marketers rely on incomplete data when making decisions on their cross-media strategies especially when attempting to scale across countries and brands,” said Matt Krepsik, general manager, planning & outcomes products, Nielsen. “Our mission is to deliver outcome measurement around the world so marketers can maximize their ROI, move with velocity and be budget friendly. We launched Nielsen Compass as an answer to an industry calling for better outcome reporting measurement.”

What Does This Mean for Advertisers?

Nielsen’s robust predictive outcome measurement capabilities help advertisers optimize media spend in a matter of days by leveraging advanced machine learning models that combine Nielsen Compass data and marketers’ media allocation plans. With a localized lens by country, brand, category, and media platform, Nielsen enables advertisers, agencies, and publishers to maximize every ad dollar in their campaign with consistency, transparency, and collaboration across the media value chain. Advertisers and agencies can collaboratively make data-driven budgeting and planning decisions with greater coverage of the portfolio. By working closely with media buyers, publishers now have scaled insights to prove the value of their platform over another and better monetize their ad inventory.

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As ROI and financial metrics become a larger focus in the c-suite to justify investments and fuel growth, marketers are actively searching for next-gen solutions that deliver accurate, seamless, and trusted outcome measurements at scale. With the launch of this service, Nielsen is democratizing outcome measurement and ROI metrics around the world and enabling marketers always to make sure they are ahead of the curve.