Segment Your Customers for Their Perfect Customer Journey


“Innovation is anything but business as usual.” Ana VillegasOpens a new window , Senior Director of Marketing at Dell-EMCOpens a new window , gives us insight into sophisticated process for customer segmentation and mapping customer journeys. Ana, whose role ranges from demand gen efforts and digital marketing to customer contact strategy, talks about how she systematically encourages innovation in customer centric marketing.

Key Takeaways

  1. Asking yourself how to drive innovation in new ways to reach the customer and how that will be tested (knowing that there’s potential for less than 50% of what is tested to be adopted)
  2. Internal competitions for marketing to bring up new ideas to reach customers
  3. “Wake the Dead” programs for cold leads
  4. Three step target audience definition process
  5. Delivering dynamic content optimization to let customers pick their own path while connecting with content.

To learn more about how Ana and her team are enhancing the customer experience and testing omni-channel engagement ranging from digital, to offline marketing, to face-to-face, check out the full interview hereOpens a new window .