The Hottest Trend in the Cloud Evergreen: Amazon Lambda Leads in Serverless Computing


Serverless computing, the hottest new trend in the cloud (and perhaps in all of IT), is slashing the costs of running digital services, from mobile apps to website functions.

The innovative restructure, predicted to fuel the next stage in cloud computing, gives businesses greater control over their digital communications and enables software and app developers to create more effective interactions online.

Serverless Service

Serverless computing is a misnomer in itself. Like any online activity, it does in fact depend on servers. The contrast lies in the framework: Cloud companies take care of the server infrastructure, freeing up software developers to concentrate on writing the programmes. Developers are liberated from the sizable burden of constructing code to interact reliably with back-end infrastructure.

The new infrastructure strips out operations and manages them remotely. In the language of serverless computing, the small pieces of code that make apps are known as functions, and thus take the moniker “functions-as-a-service.”
Cloud Services Providers Raw HTML ModuleServerless computing promises businesses faster time to marketOpens a new window , manageable variable costs and greater stability.

An overriding benefit of the new structure allows businesses to pay only for the computing power their apps use. Currently, when a business hires servers from their cloud provider to handle computing power, memory and storage, a fee is payable regardless of whether those servers are used: “event-driven” serverless service is auto-scalable, so charges are only applied when computing power is actually used.

Flexible Application

The best-known serverless environment currently offered in the cloud is Amazon Lambda, launched in 2014. It’s a computing platform built to execute automatically a piece of code when an event happens: An e-commerce app hosted on Lambda only charges the owner when someone actually goes on the app and performs a search or buy task. This can translate into savings from 20% to 50% compared with the costs of standard cloud computing.

Serverless providers also take care of scaling, one of the great irritants of developers. Aside from creating an app, developers must consider how it will be powered as its popularity grows.

That concern ends with serverless as the provider has essentially changed the way the software must be written, providing significant savings in development costs as it would eliminate the need to build server infrastructure into the code of an app or web application.

Rivals have followed in Lambda’s wake, and now businesses can choose from Google Cloud Functions, Microsoft Azure Functions, IBM OpenWhisk, and a range of smaller providers. Although serverless computing is still in its infancy, it is expected to become widespread, powering a new wave of digital development by businesses as costs fall and developers are given free rein to unleash greater creativity.

Caution Accompanies Growth

Wariness of serverless architecture is validOpens a new window : there is a danger of vendor lock-in. Once code enters a serverless environment, it can be hard to both extract and transfer those requirements to another provider, most likely requiring an entire code rewrite.

Serverless computing can also add complexity, since it relies on numerous individual functions rather than a few bundled applications. And if a service isn’t used for some time, it may mean a cold restart of the provider’s servers, slowing down activity.

Even so, big tech companies are pushing the serverless model. As Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella predicted at the 2017 Build conferenceOpens a new window : “Serverless computation is going to fundamentally not only change the economics of what is back-end computing, but it is going to be the core of the future of distributed computing.”

Under this scenario, cloud providers become the utility providers behind the digital economy, taking care of the operational infrastructure, freeing developers to concentrate on more important aspects. This also gives the cloud companies huge power over the market as services become locked into the serverless system, allowing the providers to put up prices.

For the moment, though, the current advantages make the switch to serverless attractive enough to overcome concerns about the future.