What If Elon Musk Was Your CEO? How Marketers Can Handle Bad Press – Part 2


As I covered in Part 1Opens a new window of this two-part story, dealing with bad press can be a bit of a tightrope balancing act. Myriad potential variables make it difficult for marketers to chart the best course of action when managing a PR crisis, especially in today’s social media-obsessed culture that expects near-instant accountabilityOpens a new window from brands and companies.

For example, one wrong step on social media – being too defensive or using an aggressive tone with consumers, for example – can be the difference between dealing with negative online reviews and having a DEFCON 1 social media scandal develop on your watch.

What, then, is the best course of action for handling negative press?

Don’t react impulsively

In Tesla’s case, with stock prices plummetingOpens a new window following the heavily publicized civil action by the SEC against Elon Musk, we can reasonably assume the company’s PR and marketing teams are taking an “it’s-way-better-safe-than-sorry” approach in response to the complex situation.

Of course, it makes sense in this context to let the dust settle before making any statements. The worst action by Tesla’s PR people at this moment would be to issue a statement poorly received by investors and/or the public.

That’s no different than most PR crises. Although responding quickly is critical, taking some time to assess the situation in order to devise an appropriate and effective response is equally important.

For instance, negative online posts from consumers that have suffered a bad experience with a product or service sometimes can go viral, gaining traction online and in the media. In these situations, it is usually best to respond, apologize or refute the claims as quickly as possible in order to stop the situation from potentially snowballing.

Alternately, when faced with a PR crisis related to the actions of a top executive – for instance, if your founder and CEO is being sued by regulators for fraud, or your chief executive is accused of multiple counts of sexual misconductOpens a new window – it’s probably best to hold off on taking a definitive course of action for fear of making things worse.

While bad press can seem like a PR nightmare that requires an immediate answer, marketers will do well to take the time to analyze the reaction from media and the public in order to make sure they have as much information as possible to shape an informed and targeted response.

Be warned, however, that staying silent for too long can trigger problems as the absence of response can be seen as cowardly or perceived as indifference to the issue.

Accept responsibility

Generally, companies face PR scandals when they’ve done something wrong – whether it’s on an organizational or operational scale, or if it’s due to the actions of a select number of employees or an individual.

With consumers increasingly turning to social mediaOpens a new window when there’s a company-related scandal, it’s important to show the public that the firm is prepared to assume responsibility before they start gathering their digital pitchforks and torches.

It’s not enough however, to simply say “sorry.” Owning up to the mistake these days also means that a company should be ready to offer a plan that shows it is ready to atone for its error and fix the problem. Generally, admitting wrongdoing gives people less to talk about and is the best way to move the situation from the problem itself and onto the healing process.

Transparency at this point is crucial. Social media has allowed companies and the public to engage like never before, which has led to consumers valuing trust above all else.

Control the message

Message and delivery are the heart of PR crisis management.

By responding in a timely and appropriate manner; by being empathetic, honest, transparent and accepting responsibility; and by engaging with upset consumers, especially on social media, it is possible for a company to control – to a certain extent – the discussion.

Meanwhile, be especially careful on social media. Sending the wrong message or using the wrong tone on one of these platforms is an easy way to lose any semblance of control over the situation. For starters, make sure any scheduled posts are canceled. Just imagine how people will react if a scheduled promotional post goes out in the middle of a scandal.

Social media posts should, in fact, be limited to addressing the crisis and engaging with consumers, showing that their concerns are not being ignored. Most of all, though, do not enter online arguments or respond defensively to provocative comments.

It can also help to circulate any positive press that may be available. Look for any positive angles to exploit and to drive at least some positive attention to counterbalance, even in a small way, negative press.

Ultimately, while there are certain steps that marketers should take in response to every PR crisis, identifying the best course of action to take necessarily will be situational.

In the social media era of the constantly-present consumer, what do you think is the best way marketing and PR teams can handle negative press? Face it head on and try to control the conversation as quickly as possible? Or is it better to wait and see if the nightmare blows over before responding?

Please feel free to join the conversation.