Workforce Management

4 Steps to Building a Talent Supply Chain

4 Steps to Building a Talent Supply Chain

Changing workforce demographics, acute skills shortage and ongoing economic uncertainties are compelling employers to rethink traditional approaches to talent management. Building an adaptive talent supply chain will be key for employers looking to get ahead of the curve. We discuss four foundational steps to agile workforce planning.

How to Develop a Top-Notch HR Strategy

How to Develop a Top-Notch HR Strategy

Many enterprises are now recognizing the importance of looking after their most valuable assets their employees. For a long time it has all been about the customer experience, and of course, that is paramount to a company’s success, but behind every positive customer interaction is an employee who represents your company. And if they’re not engaged and content in their working environment, they won’t be as productive and they are likely to leave after a short duration and find employment elsewhere, which is costly to companies. This revelation has got businesses rethinking their HR strategy as their focus shifts to the employee experience.