
Valentines Day 2021: Inside Fintech and Banking’s Budding Love Story

Valentines Day 2021: Inside Fintech and Banking's Budding Love Story

COVID-19 brought about a global shift in the financial market as the world embraced the digital financial space. With growing digitization, the romance between traditional banks and fintechs has blossomed like never before. This Valentine’s Day, let’s understand how their relationship has prospered to date and what its future looks like.

Want to Reduce Your Endpoint Security Risks? Think “Inside the Box”

Want to Reduce Your Endpoint Security Risks? Think “Inside the Box”

Aberdeen outlines why organizations looking to upgrade to —and expand their existing use of —enterprise endpoints based on Windows 10 should think “inside the box” to take advantage of built-in security capabilities to protect firmware, system-level software, and credential stores, as well as ruggedized capabilities for use cases with challenging physical / environmental conditions.