
Employee GPS Tracking: Work Efficiency or Lack of Privacy?

Employee GPS Tracking: Work Efficiency or Lack of Privacy?

How to make a business more effective? Does employee GPS tracking make workers think about lack of privacy? It is important to know where the employee monitoring system hits the privacy. Aigerim Berzinya, Director of Marketing at Turtler explains benefits and potential risks of GPS tracking

Storytelling, and Rebranding


There are many different ways to capture the attention of an unsuspecting customer. Stories are one of them. Humans are social creatures, and love stories and storytelling. Watching a tale come full circle to show you how and where the product fits in is satisfying, and leaves the audience desiring more info. Stew Redwine, the Creative Director at Oxford Road, shows you how.

Blockchain: Trust as a Service

Blockchain: Trust as a Service

Beyond its initial association with crypto-currencies such as bitcoin, the distributed ledger technology known as blockchain has important applications for …