Customer Experience

WhatsApp, a Marketing Department’s New Best Friend


The world’s attitude towards WhatsApp is changing. Before COVID-19, a Statista report predicted that about 85.8 million consumers would use WhatsApp to communicate by 2023. Yuri Fiaschi, vice president, global sales, Infobip, tells how WhatsApp can aid your retail and marketing strategies.

Personalization vs Data Privacy: What Is The Future of Customer Experiences in a Post-Pandemic World

Personalization vs Data Privacy: What Is The Future of Customer Experiences in a Post-Pandemic World

Today, many customers feel they face a trade-off – enhanced personalization at the expense of data privacy. Marc Carrel-Billiard, innovation global lead, Accenture, shares insights based on Accenture’s 2020 Technology Vision report. The report explains that businesses that emerge from COVID-19 with a new approach – one that emphasizes customer agency and treats them as true collaborators –will be in prime position for long-term success.